TONEMY under GUANGZHOU TANGMEI ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY COM.,LTD ,is one of the first batch of registered legal enterprises committing to the development and production of fragrance system, aiming at promoting and improving the level of space mission.After a long-term accumulation and development, it has now become a leading brand in this industry.
TONEMY has established 9 branches in Guangzhou,Shenzhen ,HK, Changsha,Changde, Sanya,Nanchang, and Kunming , We timely and effectively provide the most scientific fragrance marketing programs and the most professional services.
In 2015 ,TONEMY entered business relationship with the world's top essential oil suppliers and set up professional aroma oil R&D center in UK,HK and GUANGZHOU, with advanced equipment and original import of essential oil from British and French ,it built a top smelling space for more customers .
In 2016, TONEMY firstly launched the oil series for vehicle interior decomposition ,and it was highly recognized by a large number of businessmen and vehicle owners . Now TONEMY is officially launching in Chinese market this exclusive product which can scientifically and effectively decompose the peculiar smell in the car.